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This is a site I made using HTML and CSS. We had to make a website for a company that already existed, so I made one for a BMX bike company.

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These five pictures are from an app I made on about the Racing Drone Club. The pictures display the interfaces within the app. First, we have the home page with buttons leading to all the other pages. The other pages are goals, members, the about page and a game. I made this app knowing I had to turn it into collegeboard. Luckily I fulfilled all of the requirements within the app and it overall helped me score a 3 on the AP Computer Science Principles test. 


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This project was made using a program called Sketchup. Sketchup is mainly used for creating 3D objects and then printing them. For the project we had to invent an object that would solve real world problems. So for my object I made robot that takes in carbon dioxide from heavily concentrated areas and produces oxygen. It works just like a tree but it can detect where pollution is and move towards those areas. 

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